Fertilizer for Citrus Trees – Kynoch Fertilizer

Getting your citrus trees off to the right start is essential to ensure optimal growth and quality fruits. Once established, soil samples can be taken on a scheduled basis to determine the nutrient needs.

Kynoch supplies a leading fertilizer product that is ideal for citrus and fruit trees, namely GreenGold®. GreenGold® is a fertilizer mix that contains nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca) and Boron (B), all in one fertilizer product, developed to enhance plant growth and fruit formation and quality.

Our Products

The total collection of products available ensures that our clients can match the nutritional needs of their crops at every growth stage, but also adapt either their overall fertilizer programs or their practices.

Carbohydrate management is extremely important throughout the different growth and plant stages, playing a vital role in citrus production and quality. It is thus important that Nitrogen and Magnesium is managed continuously, together with other elements like Iron and Zink. The role of Calcium directly impacts the cellular synthesis and strength. Together with the right Boron administration, a higher fruit set is also more likely.

If you would like more information about Kynoch’s GreenGold® Fertilizer, contact us today. An experienced agriculturalist or consultant will help you to obtain the best fertilizer for your citrus trees and other crop types.

Enhanced Efficiency through Innovation

Kynoch’s vision is to be an innovative plant nutrition supplier that complements our clients’ businesses through Yield Enhancing Technologies® and innovation that enhances fertilizer performance.  This, as well as a comprehensive range of agronomic services, plant nutrient scheduling® aligned with plant development and growth enhancers, allows us and our clients to manage the growth of their crops optimally.

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Kynoch is the exclusive distributor of the globally proven Agrotain® nitrogen stabiliser supplied by Koch Industries. This Agrotain® technology was the first of many technologies that we adopted to ensure efficiency on the farm. It allowed us to build a new category of N-hanced-N® products which are known as the KynoPlus® range.

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Applying fertilizer to your citrus trees

Trees require the right amount of nutrients in order to thrive. Should there be any nutrient deficiencies, the tree will never reach its full potential, and will even be more susceptible to problems such as diseases and lower fruit yield and quality. In order to determine the fertilizing needs, a soil test is required. The soil test will reveal any lack of nutrients in the soil, that is required for effective plant growth and fruit produce.

As a leading fertilizer supplier in South Africa, Kynoch can assist with your soil analysis, helping your to determine your crop’s nutrient requirements. Most fruit trees go through a rapid growth stage every year, and it is beneficial if the right nutrients are readily available when this growth phase starts.

Kynoch Fertilizer will advise you on the best fertilizers for your specific crop type, to help you get the most from your citrus trees.

    Contact Kynoch for Fertilizer for Citrus Trees

    Contact Kynoch today for more information about our GreenGold® Fertilizer for your Citrus Trees or other fruit-bearing crops. As a leading fertilizer producer and supplier in South Africa, you can rely on our experienced team for professional assistance and sound advice. We have assisted many farmers to improve their crop yield and quality, by supplying them with an effective range of crop-specific fertilizer products. Rely on the leading fertilizer supplier for assistance on your farm – talk to a consultant or agriculturalist at Kynoch today about our fertilizer for citrus trees.