Kynoch Fertilizer: Partnering with Farmers for a More Sustainable Tomorrow – Regenerative Agriculture
Maize: The 100-Metre Sprinter
06/09/2024Dryland Maize and Soybeans
By Renier Bothma, Ruan Gagiano and Etienne Bruwer (Kynoch Fertilizer)
Dryland crop production is subject to extreme climatic conditions, along with the inherent risks that come with it. According to Grain SA’s (2024) 6th production estimate, maize and soybeans are expected to dominate grain production areas in the 2024/2025 season. Therefore, it is critical to make the right product choice in terms of fertilisation for soybeans and maize.
The ideal planting time for maize and soybeans can vary from one week to a month, depending on the season. External factors can suppress crop growth, but by using fertiliser “on” the seed (“Pop-up”), the negative effects of these factors can be significantly reduced. One product specifically designed for this purpose is KynoPop®. Micronutrients such as zinc, iron, manganese, copper, boron, and molybdenum are essential for the growth of maize and soybeans, playing key roles in processes like enzyme function and photosynthesis. The product contains all the important macro- and micronutrients that a young seedling needs to improve growth and reduce overall plant stress.
An additional supplement that can further help reduce stress is the application of KynoFulvate Yellow® and KynoKelp® in the planting furrow during planting. Both products are in liquid form, making them easy to mix with KynoPop®. KynoFulvate Yellow® is a fulvic acid that improves the availability of nutrients to the plant and can also serve as a food source for microorganisms. KynoKelp® is a seaweed extract containing natural macro- and micronutrients, which is excellent for promoting root development. It is derived from the kelp species Ecklonia maxima. All three products are locally manufactured and address important plant needs when used in combination.
Kynoch Fertilizer’s Ultra® range offers an alternative solution for micronutrient and macronutrient feeding! Since some micronutrients are less mobile in the soil, positioning them near the roots ensures that plants can optimally absorb the nutrients. The band placement of the Ultra® range reduces the potential lock-up of nutrients due to soil interactions.
Foliar sprays of micronutrients have their place in crop nutrition, but can sometimes vary significantly in terms of effectiveness. Nutrients applied to leaves can be washed off or may not be consistently absorbed, making band placement a more stable and efficient approach. Local application of micronutrients in the root zone is also more cost-effective, as it reduces nutrient losses and often requires fewer applications (Nathan et al., 2011).
When discussing macronutrient feeding, nitrogen volatilisation is one of the biggest challenges in a dryland production system in South Africa. According to Botha (1987), high rates of volatilisation are common in soils with low clay content, due to fluctuating pH levels. Other factors that have a significant impact on volatilisation include wind speed and temperature, both of which typically vary in dryland crop production. Kynoch Fertilizer’s KynoPlus® range offers a solution for reduced volatilisation through the incorporation of a urease inhibitor.
Soybeans have a low nitrogen requirement because they host a nitrogen-fixing bacterium, Rhizobium, which supplies nitrogen to the plant. Maize, on the other hand, has a high nitrogen requirement, and this need must be supplemented at various stages. Most nitrogen applications occur during pre-planting and topdressing, where it is critical to minimise nitrogen losses by using the KynoPlus® range. A wide variety of planting mixtures, as well as topdressing products, are available in the KynoPlus® option.
Kynoch Fertilizer offers effective solutions to reduce crop stress through a range of products formulated for dryland crop production. Contact your nearest Kynoch agent or agronomist today to find out how we can meet your needs!
Botha, A.D.P. 1987. Nitrogen losses from urea, UAN and LAN when applied to four different soils, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 4(1): 43-46.
Grain SA. 2024. Production Estimates. [https://www.grainsa.co.za/report-documents?cat=27] Date of access: 30 Aug. 2024.
Nathan, D., Mueller, A., Dorivar, A. 2011. Micronutrients As Starter and Foliar Application For Corn And Soybean. Available at: [https://www.extension.iastate.edu/Pages/eccrops/nceisfc11/8.pdf] Date of access: 30 Sept. 2024.
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). 2024. [https://apps.fas.usda.gov/newgainapi/api/Report/DownloadReportByFileName?fileName=Grain%20and%20Feed%20Annual_Pretoria_South%20Africa%20-%20Republic%20of_SF2024-0006] Date of access: 30 Aug. 2024.
Contact us today to get tailored advice for your needs: 011 317 2000 or contact one of our regional managers directly: here
KynoPop® K9101 (Act 36 of 1947)
KynoFulvate Yellow® M261 (Act 36 of 1947)
KynoKelp® M314 (Act 36 of 1947)